General Resources
- Byrdseed TV - Contact a member of the GT Team for login information.
A library of video lessons, projects, and investigations that you can use directly with your students. - Gifted Guru
A website that provides parents and teachers with the information they need to create effective and joyful classrooms and home. - Depth of Knowledge (DOK) Support Resources
- Utah Education Network (UEN)
- Pioneer: Utah's Online Library
Utah's Online School Library is free, it's fun and it's accessible for K-12 students and educators! - National Geographic for Educators
- PBS Learning Media For Teachers
English Language Arts
- RAFT Writing
RAFT is a writing strategy that encourages students to write creatively, to consider a topic from a different perspective, and to gain practice writing for different audiences. - CommonLit
- ReadWorks
- Newsela
- Epic!
- Sora
Catalog of ebooks, audiobooks, digital magazines and more.
- PhET Simulations
Free interactive math and science simulations that engage students through an intuitive, game-like environment. - Mystery Science
Social Studies
- History Wired
History resources from the Smithsonian Institute. - National Geographic for Kids
- Google Art Project.
Explore museums from around the world. Discover and view artwork and create and share student's own masterpieces. - BYU Arts Partnership Integrated Lessons